Friday 24 August 2012

Capoeira (part 1)



After I joined Capoeira for the late last year, I've been meeting various people sharing different background but unite in this one Capoeira Club for the same interest. My journey in Capoeira has been so wonderful so far. I had been given opportunity to perform in shows inside and outside my university. and As I decided, proceed with point form.

  • Capoeira is a philosophy martial arts that was created by African Slaves in Brazil some 450 years ago. The slaves, being ingenious as they were, disguised their fighting techniques by incorporating dance, acrobatics, music and singing so as not to alarm any of the overseers. However, when it was finally time to either defend themselves or revolt they would use the techniques practiced when they danced Capoeira. The overseers could not anticipated their moves as it sometimes seen as dancing, acrobatic but they were actually defending, attacking and fighting. 
  • There are many types of Capoeira as in Silat, we have Silat Gayung, Silat Cekak, so does Capoeira. And practically in Malaysia, at present, if I'm not mistaken, we have Cordao De Ouro Malaysia  ( ) which I've been joining it now, Ache Brazil, Au Capoeira, EBC Capoeira, Bantus Capoeira and etc etc which I could not remember at the moment.
  • Cordao De Ouro was first founded by Mestre Suassuana along with Mestre Brasilia when they moved to Sao Paulo in Brazil. Since then, Cordao De Ouro have been part of life of many people across the globe.
  • In Capoeira, we have music that must be played along while doing Jogo (Capoeira Game) in Roda (Capoeira Circle). The music let the Capoeiristas to keep the pace of the Jogo and to communicate with the surrounding spectators. We have our very own and unique music instruments such as Berimbau that couldn't be find anywhere in Malaysia and many other which I also couldn't remember their names. My bad.

well I guess that is all for now. Short and brief history of Capoeira. A lot more to share but long entry is just going to be very boring. For me and you. so ya, until I continue to make another entry for Capoeira, Muito Obrigado! AXE!

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