Friday 11 March 2016

My Love Story Eps 1 (First Love Someone Else's Husband)

Hi other people's sweetheart!

It has been so long since my last post righttt

I am so sorry I was too occupied with so many things lately. 

Okay so now lets not waste time and straight to the point. 

As is the topic, Im gonna share about my love story one by one okay. From my so called first love until now of which I dont know still got love for me or not. hahaha. 

So bear with me guys!! (while listening to hindi song Jiya Jale to get the mood)

Lets just do some intro first okay shall we

I am a law graduate from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). I did my foundation or asasi in law in UiTM Shah Alam for a year and my Bachelor of Laws in IIUM for 4 years. So in IIUM, if you're not from their foundation, you'll be called as direct intake student. So I was a direct intake student. Which means I was not really familiar with IIUM Culture, Friends, Environment and many other things lah. So this is how the story goes...

Once upon a time, before I became a law student in IIUM, I was working or rather volunteering at Petrosains KLCC. From there I met a friend and he was from IIUM as well. So we became friend (until now) and I knew that he joined this one very awesome group called Capoeira. Its a martial art! 

Later when I entered IIUM, he invited me to join the club and I said Yes although I was not that physically active or you know, adventurous or into sports or into any physical activities lah so can you guys imagine how hard is thattt??? 

Its a martial art for god sake! Everyday my body ached here and there. So in that club, we have got a lot of seniors. And male seniors. (wahhh cuci mata hehehe)

And got this one gentleman as well. I call him Gentleman because he really is I tell ya.

Well let me just briefly describe about him first (this gentleman not my friend just now dont confuse! hahaha)

Not so tall but not so short. Just nice!
Skin fairer than me but not too much. Just nice!
A square facial bone with flawless skin face. 
No facial hair as well
Contrary to my nose, his nose is quite you know, penyet or kembang.
Clean teeth
Wide smile
He's thin but not skinny

Well to describe really detail would mean I am scary right like a stalker or psycho rightt. So Im not gonna tell you guys till that detail even though well I observed really really detail I tell ya hahaha (kidding!) Above all, he's physically clean and perfect 10/10 lah hahaha over!

Okay so he's a bit alim alim gitu or so called religious lah.

Oh wait did I tell you that he came from the same Kulliyyah as mine which mean he was my senior in law school lah hahaha (I die lah if any of my Capoeira friends read this cos I got only one law senior who's into Capoeira you know so its so obvious! hahaha)

He is a bit older than me. 3 years older if Im not mistaken. He was in his third year when I met him. 
He looked like a bit sombong or snobbish like that lah when I first met him. He didnt talk so much with girls or females or ladies or sisters. He looked a reserved kinda a guy lah. But later he turned into a very nice guy seriously. 

I talked to him for the first time when I wanted to ask for help regarding law of Torts. My UiTM friend called me and asked but I didnt know how to answer so I gave my phone to him and he talked with my friend. That was my first time talked to him. See, I still remember hahaha alahaii

Oh ya he's not smoking which is A plus plus hahaha

And this guy was my First Love (cries) (Taal se taal mila's song comes up)

I had a lot of incidents with him. By incidents here it means moments that remind me of him. He's a very nice guy. Everytime I went for Capoeira training, since I got no car and the training place was quite far, so I will either tumpang him or my friend just now. I got really really excited when I tumpang him cos I can ride his car, chit chat a bit even though he had to wait for me to be ready for quite long hahaha. Oh ya mind you guys its not only me who tumpang him in his car. Got another good friend of mine as well. A lady, law student and joined Capoeira as well. hahaha. 

I asked a lot of things about laws and studies and whatnot to him. Because I actually just wanna have or wanna create a conversation with him. And he will response to every bit of it. Which is so made my heart flattering hahaha

There are few moments that I still keep in mind up until now. Few important moments. But I dont think Im gonna share with you guys in this entry hehehe. Cos the entry is quite long already you guys will feel bored.

I'll share those in the next entry okay!

So stay tune guys!

Not your first love,

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Career Woman kerr??

Eh hello hi peopleeee

it has been a very while hahaha

why am I laughing liddat?

haha its okay alright lemme just update a bit about myself right now okayhh (macam lah orang nak tahu haha tak kira nak cerita jugak!)

for your information ladies and gentlemannnn,


hahaha lolss tak perlu nak caps lock kot hahaha

anyways my dear,

I am now working as a Pupil in Chambers. Not really working lah. In a laymen term, I am doing my 9-month period of training (Chambering) to get a license (Practicing Certificate) to be a LAWYER wohooo and now I still have another 6 months to go before officially a Lawyer. Semoga dipermudahkan aminn.

I'm doing my Chambering/Pupillage in Brijnandan Singh Bhar & Co. A litigation firm in Jalan Sultan Ismail, KL (Just walking distance to KLCC, Pavilion and Bukit Bintang).

Hence that is why I did not post anything for quite a while hahaha.

Well actually, it has been a while too since I last bake and cook something. so sad I know right. I don't know why I did not bake and cook because I can still do that afterwork ya know. (Penyakit malas tu namanya tentuan penpuan)


I even bought a recipe book last month okay! (because it got discount hahaha)

okay so people, what I just wanna say is that, I'm free for lunch in case anyone interested to have lunch with me (and also dinnah! sementara takda boyfriend ni) hehehe

SO yeah Im working now (and looking for a part time cos boringlah routine pergi kerja balik kerja ni!)

Okay baiklahh till then people cos Im in the office right now hehehe (Lunch hour okay bukan curi tulang hahaha)


lupa nak beritahu, I  have graduated last month! hehehe

Monday 7 September 2015

Baking, Cooking and Eating!

Hello Eaters!

we meet again! hahaha (Virtually lah of course!)

So for this entry I am not going to write very long post like my previous one. Just pictures of what I have cooked, baked and eat hahaha

Because recently I have fall in love with cooking and baking and I thought why not if I share a bit of my interests with the readers (as if there's any!) hahaha

So here we go!

These cookies are called chocolate chip cookies that i took the recipe from Chef Wan book recipe so mind you, its so yummsiesss. Better than famous amos yalls! gitteww

This is my most favourite bubur on earth Bubur Jagung. Very easy to make and Im gonna make sure that this Bubur is available at my wedding hahaha!

Actually I have cooked this few months ago but I still wanna share it here cos this is one of my first most successful meals hahaha. Ayam Goreng Curry and Sotong Celup Tepung!
These Nutella Brownies I baked using the recipe I found in Facebook. Nutella, Egg and Flour. Very easy you can make with your eyes close and its very deliciousss

Tadaaa I love this one the most as this was my first attempt baking and it turned out really good! hahaha I follow the recipe in Martha Stewart website very easy you just have to be a bit patient cos you have to bake it one by one hahaha

I dont know what is this called as I found the recipe in my Facebook (again!) hahaha. It is basically a bread with meatloaf, egg and cheese inside and you bake it. hahaha I dont know how to explain will share how to do it later okay! Very suitable for breakfast and hi tea. Nyummsss

wahahaa so many food. These are some of the cooking I made during Ramadhan this year. Just simple daily housewives' cooking hahaha

And last but not least, my latest attempt, New York Cheese Cake very super nyummiess I ate so many portion of it cos I love Cheese cake! hahaha I took the recipe from Martha Stewart website. It is quite messy to bake this but it turned out fine and cheesyyummmiess so no more Secret Recipe's cheese cake hahaha

Well I think that is all for my sharing today. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures hahaha

Till then, mashiketta!

SKOLAFUND is so much FUN!

Hello readers!

I'm back! hahaha lol I hope there are people reading my blog. If there is any, drop a comment, I belanja makan! hahaha


Today, I am going to share about SKOLAFUND wohoo!

What is Skolafund dudeee?

Skolafund is a web platform to crowdfund less-privileged students for their university education.

What is a crowdfund?

Crowdfund means publicly collecting funds or donation from public. (Penjanaan secara publik)
We are also welcoming any Arabs who would like to give donation here but not to fight againts Yahudi lah! hahaha (if you know what I mean)

Basically Skolafund is operating through an awesome website called SKOLAFUND.COM (Go check it out!)

Briefly on how it works,

1. Students apply to skolafund for crowdfunding campaign
2. Skolafund filters the students
3. Skolafund publish students' campaigns in its website SKOLAFUND.COM
4. People who visit the website can pledge to fund/donate/sponsor the deserving students via online banking.
5. Students have 30 days to promote their campaign to get funding.
6. Campaign ends. The money will be given to the students via their respective universities

At the moment, only undergraduate students who are qualified to apply for the crowdfunding. That means only students who are doing Degree program at any Public University can apply for the crowdfunding.

Recently, Skolafund had launched a Create-Your-Own-Scholarship with Skolafund.
That means anyone can start their own scholarship with a minimum amount of  RM5000.
The sponsor can set its own terms and conditions for the scholarship and can even choose their own candidate for the scholarships. Skolafund will only deal with its technicalities.
How cool is that right!

Skolafund is a brainchild of 2 bright and awesome heroes Tengku Syamil and Syakir Ibrahim. They are one of my unsung heroes hahaha. They are Singaporeans which means Skolafund is incorporated in Singapore but has its operation in Malaysia.
Mind you that this is the first ever crowdfunding website ever happen in Malaysia and it is established by Singaporeans hahaha. (insert awkward emoticon)

Skolafund is a company but not a profit making company or organization.
It operates as a company and solely depends on crowdfunding and other funding as well but Skolafund is not making any profit.

Skolafund gives a warm welcome to anyone and everyone who would like to help Skolafund financially that is to fund for Skolafund's operation or to pledge as a sponsor to fund the students.

Skolafund is also welcoming any good idea that can help improve Skolafund to continuously serving the capitalism loopholes as Skolafund believes, GETTING INTO UNIVERSITY IS HARD ENOUGH THUS FUNDING IT SHOULD NOT BE.

well I guess this is enough for today's entry!

Last but not least, visit SKOLAFUND.COM today and find the pleasure of giving back to society cos we owe the society NOT the society owes us!

Till then, xoxo!

Monday 17 August 2015

After a while of krik krik...


Salam everyone

It has been a while since my last post right?

I am so sorry I almost forgotten that I have a BLOG hahaha
(even though Im not sure whether there's anyone reading it hahaha)

Sorry for the very long hibernating (almost a year!)

So ya hi again people!
Thank you if you guys are still reading this hahaha

alright lemme just update a lil bit about myself now


I have just finished my Degree in Law in IIUM after 4 years wohoo Syukur Alhamdulillah Im so thankful! (Convocation is in November jemput datang!)
But I am still not yet a Lawyer as I have to do my Chambering first.

what is that dudee?

Well it's a nine-month period of getting my practicing certificate or in other word my licence to work as a lawyer hahaha

I am scheduled to start my Chambering on this coming September but I still haven't applied to any of legal firms yet and today is already 18th of August (WHUT!!) hahaha

actually Im living my life to the fullest right now


hahaha no Im kidding

I am actually doing freelancing right now. (Imma tell you guys in my next post!)

So yeah its good to be back in this dusty blog hahaha im going to write more after this as I have so many things that I wanna share with you guys looking at the situation that I am so free doing almost nothing at home hahaha

So watch out this space alright!

Before that, here's my latest picture just in case you guys wonder how I have been doing all this while (Im doing pretty good cos Im pretty hahaha nonsense!)

Till then, masyimanyo!

that's me 3 months ago hahaha!

Thursday 6 March 2014

Moving On (part 1)


Salam Jumaat everyone :)

I am writing this while waiting for my friend's sister to babysit

yeahh I always babysit kids hehee

alright okay lets just straight to the point now


in my previous post, 
you guys can see how I have been telling you guys about my heartbreaks and all
pathetic right?
its okay everyone has their own pathetic moment (a moment of silent)

having a heartbroken is really not everyone's choice in life
because i can tell ya,
it hurts like really hurt that I had once been admitted a week to Hospital because of dengue fever but heartbreak is far really worst the pain

to get out from the heartbreaks is sooo tough!
I play tricking, capoeira, rowing, climbing, tennis and handball but heartbreak is toughest!

but you know what?
life is a game
once you step out from this heartbreak,
you are one level ahead.

so the magic word to be a one level up is

yeah that word!
Move On Darling!

you must to, you have to and you gotta do it RIGHT NOW!

if you still do not have the courage, think of other people

as for my situation,
I think of my friends
they have been there since day 1 and always been there for me
so if I choose to just play along with this heartbroken feeling,
pity my friends
they have to see me all soulless and emotionless everyday
that would not be healthy and fun for our friendship


"I live now and in the future, I dont live in the past"
words I have been telling myself  for the past few days

it works
at least I am no longer hoping for my past

I am moving on because of my friends
because I love them 
so I dont want to trouble and worry them all the time with my hopeless feeling

How did my friends helped me?
They listened to me, consoled me, sat besides me while Im crying non stop, they dont let me being alone cos they afraid I might do something stupid, they gave strong motivational words, they drove me to places so that I can clear and ease my mind, they called me many times just to make sure that I am okay, they understand me but they never say bad things about Mr X just to console. It shows how matured they are right..

so yeah, that can be tips too if you guys have a heartbroken friend and need help but you dont know how to help him/her

to my friends who always been there for me,
you know who you are,

well I guess that is all as for part one of this title (haha)

shall write more soon!


Wednesday 5 March 2014

Cant wait!

Hi everyone!

Im at IIUM mosque waiting for Zuhur right now.


By the way, im writing now just to tell you guys that I have been thinking a lot yesterday and been scolded too.


Scolded in a good positive ways.

Or so called been advised lah..


I cant wait to tell you guys about it

Now is not the right time to write in lengthy

So yeah

Lets just wait tonight then

"Bajet bajet ada orang nak baca pulak haha"

Haha  I dont care I want to write jugak!

Haha lols

Alright till then