Monday 7 September 2015

Baking, Cooking and Eating!

Hello Eaters!

we meet again! hahaha (Virtually lah of course!)

So for this entry I am not going to write very long post like my previous one. Just pictures of what I have cooked, baked and eat hahaha

Because recently I have fall in love with cooking and baking and I thought why not if I share a bit of my interests with the readers (as if there's any!) hahaha

So here we go!

These cookies are called chocolate chip cookies that i took the recipe from Chef Wan book recipe so mind you, its so yummsiesss. Better than famous amos yalls! gitteww

This is my most favourite bubur on earth Bubur Jagung. Very easy to make and Im gonna make sure that this Bubur is available at my wedding hahaha!

Actually I have cooked this few months ago but I still wanna share it here cos this is one of my first most successful meals hahaha. Ayam Goreng Curry and Sotong Celup Tepung!
These Nutella Brownies I baked using the recipe I found in Facebook. Nutella, Egg and Flour. Very easy you can make with your eyes close and its very deliciousss

Tadaaa I love this one the most as this was my first attempt baking and it turned out really good! hahaha I follow the recipe in Martha Stewart website very easy you just have to be a bit patient cos you have to bake it one by one hahaha

I dont know what is this called as I found the recipe in my Facebook (again!) hahaha. It is basically a bread with meatloaf, egg and cheese inside and you bake it. hahaha I dont know how to explain will share how to do it later okay! Very suitable for breakfast and hi tea. Nyummsss

wahahaa so many food. These are some of the cooking I made during Ramadhan this year. Just simple daily housewives' cooking hahaha

And last but not least, my latest attempt, New York Cheese Cake very super nyummiess I ate so many portion of it cos I love Cheese cake! hahaha I took the recipe from Martha Stewart website. It is quite messy to bake this but it turned out fine and cheesyyummmiess so no more Secret Recipe's cheese cake hahaha

Well I think that is all for my sharing today. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures hahaha

Till then, mashiketta!

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