Hello readers!
I'm back! hahaha lol I hope there are people reading my blog. If there is any, drop a comment, I belanja makan! hahaha
Today, I am going to share about SKOLAFUND wohoo!
What is Skolafund dudeee?
Skolafund is a web platform to crowdfund less-privileged students for their university education.
What is a crowdfund?
Crowdfund means publicly collecting funds or donation from public. (Penjanaan secara publik)
We are also welcoming any Arabs who would like to give donation here but not to fight againts Yahudi lah! hahaha (if you know what I mean)
Basically Skolafund is operating through an awesome website called SKOLAFUND.COM (Go check it out!)
Briefly on how it works,
1. Students apply to skolafund for crowdfunding campaign
2. Skolafund filters the students
3. Skolafund publish students' campaigns in its website SKOLAFUND.COM
4. People who visit the website can pledge to fund/donate/sponsor the deserving students via online banking.
5. Students have 30 days to promote their campaign to get funding.
6. Campaign ends. The money will be given to the students via their respective universities
At the moment, only undergraduate students who are qualified to apply for the crowdfunding. That means only students who are doing Degree program at any Public University can apply for the crowdfunding.
Recently, Skolafund had launched a Create-Your-Own-Scholarship with Skolafund.
That means anyone can start their own scholarship with a minimum amount of RM5000.
The sponsor can set its own terms and conditions for the scholarship and can even choose their own candidate for the scholarships. Skolafund will only deal with its technicalities.
How cool is that right!
Skolafund is a brainchild of 2 bright and awesome heroes Tengku Syamil and Syakir Ibrahim. They are one of my unsung heroes hahaha. They are Singaporeans which means Skolafund is incorporated in Singapore but has its operation in Malaysia.
Mind you that this is the first ever crowdfunding website ever happen in Malaysia and it is established by Singaporeans hahaha. (insert awkward emoticon)
Skolafund is a company but not a profit making company or organization.
It operates as a company and solely depends on crowdfunding and other funding as well but Skolafund is not making any profit.
Skolafund gives a warm welcome to anyone and everyone who would like to help Skolafund financially that is to fund for Skolafund's operation or to pledge as a sponsor to fund the students.
Skolafund is also welcoming any good idea that can help improve Skolafund to continuously serving the capitalism loopholes as Skolafund believes, GETTING INTO UNIVERSITY IS HARD ENOUGH THUS FUNDING IT SHOULD NOT BE.
well I guess this is enough for today's entry!
Last but not least, visit SKOLAFUND.COM today and find the pleasure of giving back to society cos we owe the society NOT the society owes us!
Till then, xoxo!